
Articles and insights to help you when you need

Psychology ONE Depression
Sharon Connell

Let’s Talk about Depression

Persistent low mood, or the inability to improve mood over a period of time, is referred to as Depression.  People who are depressed often lose interest in activities, including things they used to enjoy, often feeling tired or exhausted.  They may spend long periods of inactivity which may be associated

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Psychology ONE Anxiety
Sharon Connell

Anxiety: The Inner Voice that Whispers and Roars

“I am anxiety.  I am whispering to you, can you hear me?  Should you be going out?  Do you see those people looking?  What must they be thinking?  Maybe you should just go home.  I am talking to you, can you hear me?  Why did you choose to wear that? 

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Psychology ONE Self Esteem
Sharon Connell

Self-Esteem: Is it Elusive?

Most people have heard of self-esteem; how we feel about ‘who we are’.  It is more than being confident, as confidence can relate to specific qualities rather than our thoughts about our value as a human.  There is little doubt that self-esteem is an essential factor in our happiness; positive

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Psychology ONE Insomnia
Sharon Connell

Sleeeeeeep – how to get it.

We’ve all been there – tossing and turning, not being able to get comfortable, checking the time, worrying about getting enough sleep for the next day.  A bad night’s sleep leaves us feeling irritable and struggling to focus.  It may be because we have something important or stressful to do

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Psychology ONE Social Support
Sharon Connell

Are you ok? The importance of Social Support.

Last week, on Thursday, was RUOK day, an initiative of Gavin Larkin which started in 2009.  The purpose of RUOK day is to connect people, particularly those who are socially isolated, encouraging us to check-in on each other, and consequently reduce the risk of suicide.  Gavin lost his own father

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