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Articles and insights to help you when you need

Psychology ONE Digital painting of couple dolls, watercolour
Sharon Connell

We All Have Needs!

Everybody has needs in their relationships, whether the relationship is with a family member, a friend, or a partner. Needs can differ depending on the

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Psychology ONE Optimism
Sharon Connell

A little optimism. 😊

With all that is going on presently, there are people everywhere who are worried for the future.  With good reason: Covid-19 is a worldwide pandemic

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Psychology ONE New Years Goals
Sharon Connell

Changing Habits

As the year draws to a close and a new one begins, we are often inclined to make New Year’s Resolutions.  The tradition started around

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Psychology ONE Love at Christmas
Sharon Connell

Holiday Season Blues

The holiday season evokes images of Christmas trees, eating, drinking, and generally doing enjoyable things. However, for many, it is the most challenging time of

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